The Full Story
Michael Paraskevas
On January 1 of 2022 I took a small 8x8 hardboard canvas, a panel, and I started a project, that at first, was going to last a month. A painting a day for a month. I thought to myself. That’s a nice goal. I’d have 31 small paintings by the end of the month. And all landscape paintings from my sketchbooks from Iowa.

But it wasn’t long into January that I decided that I might be able to keep this up for a year and by the end of 2022 I would have 365 paintings. I would have an exhibit somewhere in 2023.
I’ve always been fascinated with dreaming. Every once in a while I’ll remember some crazy moment from a dream. A large wave… the glimpse of a tornado heading to our house. I would see my mom once in a while and that was nice. Sometimes my mother in law would say hello. She had a great smile.